Township of Hanover
Washington County

Secretary/Treasurer Chelsea Arthurs
Township Building: (724) 947-9109
Police Department: (724) 947-4813 Road Department: (724) 947-9103
See Ordinances and Forms
CLEANUP Dates May 10,July 12, Sept 13
Cleanup information Click here
Find us at: 11 Municipal Drive, Burgettstown, PA 15021
Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Telephone: (724) 947-9109 Fax: (724) 947-9118
PA State Association of Township Supervisors on Facebook
Solicitor: Dennis Makel and Associates, LLC Ph. 724-222-7639 Fax 724-229-7764
Building Inspector and electrical inspection: Harold Ivery Jr. (724) 263-0377
Zoning Officer: Donald Patterson (330) 417-4159
Hanover Fire Hall 724-729-3929
Hanover Fire Department LINK (web site)
ACT 13 REPORT (Gas Well Revenue)
pa. water co.
Township Sewer Hanover Telephone: 724-899-5055
Earned Income Tax Collector: Telephone: 724-978-0306: Website:
Real Estate Tax Collector: Charlene Grey 724-729-3975
For payment or questions concerning payment of real estate taxes, please contact:
Charlene Grey 724-729-3975
Animal Control Officer: Kym Secreet: 724-503-4417 Call 1.888.721.1058
Township Offices are closed on these dates in 2025:
New Year's Day ,Good Friday, Primary Election Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day
Labor Day, General Election Day, Thanksgiving, Day after Thanksgiving, Christmas
Hanover's Right-to-Know Procedures
Resolution 2009-1 sets forth Hanover Township's Right-to-Know Policy for requesting and processing public records requests in accordance with Pennsylvania's Right-To-Know Law, Act 3 of 2008. Questions regarding this policy should be directed to the Open Records Officer, Chelsea Arthurs Hanover Township, at (724) 947-9109.
All requests for review and/or duplication of public records shall be submitted to the Township in writing. Use the Township's printable Public Records Review/Duplication Request form, or the State Office of Open Records request form at

Pennsylvania Homeowner Assistance Fund
PAHAF is reopening on March 18, 2024.
Please read our FAQs for more information.
If you do not have an application in the PAHAF system and have received an ACT91/6 Notice, Notice of Intent to Foreclose, Sheriff Sale Notice, or utility shut-off notice, please click here for alternative resources until the program reopens on March 18.
Pennsylvania Homeowner Assistance Fund
© 2024 PAHAF
The Pennsylvania Homeowner Assistance Fund is being supported, in whole or in part, by federal award number HAF-0131 awarded to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
Local nearby Attractions
Local entertainment .
Hillman state Park Information click here
Are you at risk of having your water shut off?
Help is available.
The Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) is available to help families who have overdue water or sewer bills or at risk of losing water service for their home.
Applications will be accepted July 10, 2023 through August 11, 2023.
Learn more about if you qualify at
Apply for LIHWAP online at:
Applying for LIHWAP via the online application system is the quickest way to submit an application. LIHWAP will be available on the DHS COMPASS website indicated above.
Website Disclaimer
Information presented on this website is provided as a service to the community to make it easier to find answers to questions and give access to sources of Township information. Every effort has been made to provide the most up-to-date and accurate information. However, all information may not be completely accurate or up-to-date. Official documentation is available at the Township's offices. Inquiries, including requests to review official documentation, should be made to the Township before proceeding with certain plans or programs.
Some of the links on this and other pages of this website may lead to resources or content outside the control of the Township of Hanover. These links should not be construed as an endorsement by the Township. The Township is not responsible for the content on any other server.
Contact Us
11 Municipal Dr, Burgettstown, PA 15021, USA
724 947 9109